Initial steps in addressing the challenges of elder mistreatment evaluation: Protocol for evaluating the Vulnerable Elder Protection Team.

TitleInitial steps in addressing the challenges of elder mistreatment evaluation: Protocol for evaluating the Vulnerable Elder Protection Team.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsBaek D, Elman A, Gottesman E, Shaw A, Makaroun LK, Stern ME, Mulcare MR, Sullivan M, Pino C, McAuley J, LoFaso VM, Chang E-S, Hancock D, Bloemen EM, Tietz S, Lindberg DM, Sharma R, Clark S, Lachs MS, Pillemer K, Rosen T
JournalBMJ Open
Date Published2023 Oct 13
KeywordsAged, Elder Abuse, Emergency Medical Services, Hospitals, Humans, Longitudinal Studies

INTRODUCTION: Although many programmes have been developed to address elder mistreatment, high-quality, rigorous evaluations to assess their impact are lacking. This is partly due to challenges in conducting programme evaluation for such a complex phenomenon. We describe here the development of a protocol to mitigate these challenges and rigorously evaluate a first-of-its-kind emergency department/hospital-based elder mistreatment intervention, the Vulnerable Elder Protection Team (VEPT).

METHODS AND ANALYSIS: We used a multistep process to develop an evaluation protocol for VEPT: (1) creation of a logic model to describe programme activities and relevant short-term and long-term outcomes, (2) operationalisation of these outcome measures, (3) development of a combined outcome and (4) design of a protocol using telephone follow-up at multiple time points to obtain information about older adults served by VEPT. This protocol, which is informing an ongoing evaluation of VEPT, may help researchers and health system leaders design evaluations for similar elder mistreatment programmes.

ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This project has been reviewed and approved by the Weill Cornell Medicine Institutional Review Board, protocol #20-02021422. We aim to disseminate our results in peer-reviewed journals at national and international conferences and among interested patient groups and the public.

Alternate JournalBMJ Open
PubMed ID37832983
PubMed Central IDPMC10583105
Grant ListIK2 HX003330 / HX / HSRD VA / United States
K01 AG081540 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
K76 AG054866 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States

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