Our VEPT program has been featured in the news/media. Here are some recent examples:

“Elder abuse: ERs learn how to protect a vulnerable population” USA Today

“Elder Abuse: Groundbreaking Research Identifies Suspicious Injury Patterns” HealthLeaders

“Could Elder Abuse Be Detected by Emergency Medical Providers to Keep Older Adults Safer?” WAER Radio 88.3

“How to Identify and Intervene in Cases of Elder Abuse” GEMCAST Geriatric Emergency Medicine Podcast

VEPT has also been featured in our department's News and Events.

Mailing Address
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Weill Cornell Medical Center
Department of Emergency Medicine
525 E. 68th St., Box 179
New York, NY 10065

Office of the Chair
Emergency Medicine
525 E. 68th St., M-130
New York, NY 10065
(212) 746-0780

Residency Office
530 E. 70th St., M-127
New York, NY 10021
(212) 746-0892

Research Office
525 E. 68th St., M-130
New York, NY 10065

Leading Emergency Care