Faculty, fellows, residents, medical students and staff from the Department of Emergency Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine will be presenting at the upcoming Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) 2023 Annual Meeting in Austin, TX.
We are excited to present the full list of posters, oral presentations and abstracts below.
At this year's meeting, our Division of Research will be awarded the 2023 GEMA Outstanding Contributions to Global Emergency Medicine Research Award. The award recognizes a research team that has advanced emergency medicine globally.
Find the full SAEM schedule here.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
8:00 AM-5:00 PM | Rooms 303-304, Level 3
SAEM Leadership Forum
Physician Wellness: A Holistic Approach to Burnout Prevention at the Departmental Level
Lucy Willis, M.D., Renu Mital, M.D., F.A.C.E.P.
8:30 AM-4:15 PM | Room 305, Level 3
SAEM Junior Faculty Development Forum
Kaushal Shah, M.D.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
1:00-1:50 PM | Lone Star Ballroom A & B, Level 3
Key Concepts in Operations and Management: A Primer for Residents, Medical Students, Fellows, and Early Career Faculty (RAMS, AAAEM, and ED Admin & Clinical Operations Committee Sponsored)
Jean Scofi, M.D., M.B.A. (Panelist)
1:30-5:20 PM | JW Grand Ballroom 1, Level 4
2023 GEMA Outstanding Contributions to Global Emergency Medicine Research Award
Recipient: Junaid Razzak, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.
7:00 PM
Weill Cornell Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine Dinner
Mai Thai Austin
207 San Jacinto Blvd. #201
Austin, Texas 78701
Thursday, May 18, 2023
8:24-8:32 AM | Room 308, Level 3
Pilot study of lung tele-ultrasound by community paramedics for remote management of heart failure patients
Michael DeFilippo, D.O., M.I.C.P., Michael Stone, M.D., Shriman Balasubramanian, D.O., Gabriela Galli, M.D., Elisa Aponte, M.D., Sophia Lin, M.D., Rahul Sharma, M.D., M.B.A., Brock Daniels, M.D.
12:28-12:35 PM | Room 301, Level 3
Long Term Epidemiological Characteristics and Trends of Emergency Medical Diseases (EMDs) Globally
Junaid Razzak, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.
1:00-1:07 PM | Room 302, Level 3
“After trying it, they love it”: A Qualitative Analysis of a Mobile Integrated Health Program
Brock Daniels, M.D.
1:08-1:16 PM | Room 303, Level 3
Mitigating Fall Risk After ED Discharge in Older Adults: A Mobile Integrated Health Pilot Study
Lynn Jiang, M.D., Michael Stern, M.D., Brock Daniels, M.D.
1:56-2:04 PM | Room 303, Level 3
Developing a Machine Learning Algorithm using EHR Data to Predict Elder Abuse in ED Patients
Tony Rosen, M.D., M.P.H., Alyssa Elman, L.C.S.W., Daniel Baek, M.P.H., David Hancock, Ph.D.
3:10-3:18 PM | Room 208, Level 2
Feasibility and Efficacy of Ambulance-Based mHealth for Pediatric Emergencies Trial in Pakistan (GEMA Sponsored)
Joanna Palasz, M.D., Walid Farooqi, M.B.B.S., Junaid Razzak, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.
3:28-3:35 PM | Room 301, Level 3
Documentation of Elder Mistreatment by Emergency Medical Services in a National Dataset
David Hancock, Ph.D., William Haussner, M.D. , E Shien "Iggy" Chang, Ph.D., M.A., Tony Rosen, M.D., M.P.H.
3:40-3:48 PM | Room 201-202, Level 2
Radiographic Detection of Pneumothorax in Trauma Victims by Machine Learning Tool in Low-Middle Income Countries
Junaid Razzak, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.
4:08-4:16 PM | Room 307, Level 3
A Collaborative EM and Radiology Pulmonary Nodule Program: Identification of Associated Efficacy and Outcomes
Lynn Jiang, M.D.
4:56-5:04 PM | Room 303, Level 3
Health Care Disparities Among Chinese Americans Presenting to Urban Emergency Department
Pon-Hsiu Yeh, M.D.
Friday, May 19, 2023
8:00-8:08 AM | Room 201-202, Level 2
Delivering Death and Disabilities: Motorcycle Crashes Twice as Lethal Than Car Crashes in South Asia
Junaid Razzak, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.
12:28-12:35 PM | Room 301, Level 3
Pediatric emergency medicine physician's perspectives of concussion in young children
Deborah Levine, M.D.
12:35-12:42 PM | Room 301, Level 3
Quality of Life for Children with Mental and Behavioral Health Emergencies in the Pediatric Emergency Department
Nina Friedman, C.C.L.S., Nicole Gerber, M.D., Kathleen Morton, B.S.N., M.P.H. , Shari Platt, M.D., F.A.A.P.