Dr. Rahul Sharma Appointed to New York State Board for Medicine

Dr. Rahul Sharma, Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine, has been appointed to the State Board for Medicine by the Regents of the University of the State of New York. The regents are responsible for the general supervision of all educational activities within the state, presiding over the university and the New York State Education Department. Dr. Sharma will serve a five year appointment term.

Mailing Address
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Weill Cornell Medical Center
Department of Emergency Medicine
525 E. 68th St., Box 179
New York, NY 10065

Office of the Chair
Emergency Medicine
525 E. 68th St., M-130
New York, NY 10065
(212) 746-0780

Residency Offices
Physician Residency
530 E. 70th St., M-127

New York, NY 10021
(212) 746-0892

Physician Assistant

Nurse Practitioner

Research Office
525 E. 68th St., M-130
New York, NY 10065

Leading Emergency Care